The site is almost at a total of 500 views, which doesn’t sound like a lot but means a lot to me. The more content I put out the more views the website gets. Getting this site to grow and maintain new information is something I do on the side, and I try and do the most I can to get this website to grow. I just recently enabled commenting and would love some feedback on this website so far.
Future plans
- More write-ups!
- How to set up your kali linux VM
- More documentation for new hackers.
- blog – the usefulness of grep
- Many more Blogs.
- Potentially a web-store
- Look into potential advertising
I have a lot of plans for this site, but as we all know good things come with time. Seeing as I am the only one working on this site, it will take a little bit with a full time job and a family.
Volunteer work
In order to make this website better than I can do on my own, I want to reach out and see if anyone would like to volunteer some help.
- New Blog posts – Author, Advanced Linux user.
- Better website design – Designer
- write-ups and blogs – Experienced hackers
- Suggestions – Anyone
I would love for this site to be known as one of the go to places for new people in the hacking community, but the only way this site can get there, is either with a lot of time or by help with the community. If you have any feedback you can comment on this post, or email me at