eJPT – eLearn Security Junior Pentester Certification Review

eJPT Certification – eLearnSecurity

  • Certification Overview

It is common knowledge that high quality certifications in the cyber security world can be VERY high-priced,the eJPT comes to put an end to that. A practical approach to pentesting and immensely well thought and executed classes and labs gives the student a little taste of what’s to come in the pentesting world ahead. It costs 200 $, far less than other similar certifications on the market. INE’s contribution to the cyber security world is just spectacular.

  • Classes and Labs

Anyone can enroll in the Penetration Testing Student for free and take the classes and labs,you only need to register on the INE website and enroll on the Penetration Testing Student Path. There are 3 major topics there are subdivided into smaller topics that cover from the technical aspect of a Penetration Test to the practical of it. These topics are made of video classes and practical exercises also known as ‘labs’.

  1. Penetration Testing Prerequisites
  2. Penetration Testing: Preliminary Skills & Programming
  3. Penetration Testing Basics
  • The Exam

The exam mimics a black-box pentest scenario and is made up of 20 multiple choice questions in which you have to explore the given scenario to find the answers.

  • Is it worth it?

YES. Not only for newcomers in the Pentesting/Cyber Security area but for experienced peers who want to learn something new. The material is up-to-date and the price is relatively low (200 U$). Although it’s a new certification it has gained its ground among big company’s certifications.

  • Personal Opinion

I really loved taking the classes and the exam itself. There are no invasive proctors or surveillance of any kind and you’re given 3 days to complete the test in which i used 8 hours of it. The test itself is straight forward and not ‘CTF’ like,it aims to give a proper introduction to a pentesting role. I would and will recommend it to anyone who is looking for a entry level certification for a fair price and an excellent study material.

Antonio Limeira

Hackhouse.net Author

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